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Our Services

We are your source of knowledge & expertise in anything PPO. A standard approach to "PPO Negotiations" can be less effective without a custom approach and strategy. Successful optimization of your PPO insurance plans requires expert knowledge of how each insurance company works not only directly but in relation to all other insurance carriers.


Dental PPO leasing is taking the industry by storm and being in network can come in a variety of ways whether through direct contracts or dozens of other leasing/fee schedule arrangements that may be used as  your maximum allowables on  claims. Our mission is to illuminate dental practices and professionals on the most effective ways of increasing practice revenue and collections on your insured patient base. 

UCR Fee Evaluation

Evaluating your UCR fee using accurate market data is a very important aspect of practice profitability. Not only does it impact negotiations and your allowable rates, but updating fees to fit your area's market will ensure you are collecting a fair price for your work. 


Structural Optimization

There are actually thousands of combinations for a practice to be in network with their PPOs due to co-leasing arrangements and fee schedule sharing. We are on top of the game in our research of how participation can be configured through your highest paying options. 


PPO Acquisitions

Acquiring a new practice, group, location, etc. is an exciting venture but if PPO fee schedule negotiations, TIN changes, contracting or credentialing are not done in the proper order or at all, it can cost your practice tens of thousands of additional dollars in your first year. Remember, you have dozens of fee schedules to choose from for your participation. Signing up with PPOs without prior negotiation will land you on the lowest fees for your area's market. 

PPO Negotiations

Dental practices have the opportunity to negotiate PPO allowable fees with insurance carriers. Negotiating increases takes time, knowledge, expertise & leverage. A tactful PPO Negotiation leads to increased collections. In short, get paid more to do the work you're already doing!


Credentialing is a headache for most practices. Aside from the time consuming data population and follow up, most practices don't realize that blind credentialing will likely always land you on the lower fee schedules for your market. We can help you credential the right way by solidifying high fees before signing the deal. 

On-going Coaching

We are here for you for the long haul. 90% of our clients keep us in their close contact list for assistance with questions, insurance issues, education, new associate adds and even advice on policy building and just for little chats and check ins. 

Why Choose Beacon?

We are passionate about our core values. It is our mission to serve, assist, support & educate dental practices or all sizes, specialties & circumstances in strategies to increase practice revenue through a variety of services, expert strategies & custom approaches that will lead to increased practice success. 


We only take on clients that we know will benefit from our services and most clients qualify for a guaranteed return on investment.


As we improve your PPO reimbursements, we  provide a running financial return on investment. Results are just numbers unless they are equated to dollars and how they impact your collections & bottom line!

Grab a cup of        & let's chat!

Schedule a free consultation where we can discuss your practice goals, review your PPO participation & identify if your practice is a good candidate for PPO negotiations and optimization! We can do a free analysis of your contracts & review negotiable revenue to determine success.

Or give us a       
(385) 888-3161  

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